Breakfast in Bed with my Mother

There are people who love to eat in bed, and others who see no charm in it at all: a slovenly habit, which makes for uncomfortable nights shifting around on breadcrumbs between the sheets, as uncomfortable as the Princess and the Pea. My mother was a product of the Great Depression, the eldest of six…


If  emotion is power, what is more powerful than longing?  Desire, moving on a razor edge, between living life expansively in fullness of the moment, and the void of death, where even the lack of the desired is absent. To get there, you have to move to the very edge, to the precipice and lean…

The Healing Lands

The rising heat and desolate plains, punctured only by a tuft of dry beige grass or a wiry bush belie the vital heart that still beats there. I am in probably the oldest desert in the world. It reminds me of another desert on another continent.

My Mentor, Hundertwasser

“When we dream alone it is only a dream, but when many dream together it is the beginning of a new reality.”Friedensreich Hundertwasser I recently returned from a sojourn in Europe (more of an Odyssey really), where I immersed myself in family, culture,other people’s art and architecture,learning another language and very little else in the…

What is the Truth?

I have been feeling trapped, like a rebellious schoolgirl sent to a reformatory, my wild spirit checked, my optimism questioned


I am practicing living life to the fullest…(perhaps it would be more apt to be playing at it?)…tuning in to my gut feeling, acting on it, being present in whatever I do. The hardest task of all for me is doing only one thing at a time. Multitasking is a hard habit to break,but the…


New soil often means new robust growth ,although there may be a period of adjustment to altered temperatures, different pH or minerals .  Life thrives on the simple things – the early morning sun rays,a rain shower ,an earthworm’s gentle munching or the  autumn leaves blanketing  the earth. Periodically  the elements demand  abstinence, endurance, obeisance and give…


How alone we all are in this… amongst scenes of togetherness, tinsel messages and platitudes of joy. The players are each involved with their own pain and progress,yet fighting for a place on the stage of social media.  Someone asked me…who is “they’? ( and so who is someone?) They are all of us. Sunk…

Wilhelm Vincent

When Wilhelm Vincent walked onto the stoep at ArtKaroo gallery, rucksack on his back, his kaleidoscopic guise infused ArtKaroo authenticity. with a new essence: the elixir of youth,technological skills and a dash of genius. For those who are unacquainted; he is a daunting personality, exuberantly extrovert and alternative,but under the masks and veils lie a sensitivity and…

Carl Roberts, and the art of weathering.

” Vim.” Wood Sculpture (Wild Fig) 152x60cm Carl is, I think, much like his artworks which are- in his own words  …”like a Rorsach blot”. .. growing organically and freely ,allowing his  medium(or life) to be the guide. As the medium is found wood and bone, the resultant creations are authentic and vital. Carl was…

Thijs Nel

I have one of Thijs Nel’s abstract paintings above the hearth in my home, radiating serenity  and centredness in the turmoil of my teenage daughter dominated home. It has grown on me more and more with the years , and although I rearrange the furniture and  the other art regularly ,it remains there ,where it…

François Tiran -A Man of Red and Gold

The ritual of the fragrantly brewed cup of coffee, warm and foamy, enjoyed under the giant thorn tree at the door to Francois’ studio is a comforting, yet inspiring  interlude in any mundane day.  Here many ideas were born, concepts honed and friendships cemented.    There is more than a hint of his ancestry here…