
File 2017-11-17, 10 09 47 AMNew soil often means new robust growth ,although there may be a period of adjustment to altered temperatures, different pH or minerals .  Life thrives on the simple things – the early morning sun rays,a rain shower ,an earthworm’s gentle munching or the  autumn leaves blanketing  the earth. Periodically  the elements demand  abstinence, endurance, obeisance and give nothing back.  Months of searing drought  and harsh extremes,become impetus for renewal.

Planting aloes is one of those things I do in these times.My personal totem of tenacity and vigor. They survive the worst ,and flourish again. I plant them and I paint them. They are vital ,real and beat closely with this earth’s creative heart.   They survive without water for ages…


The Art world is multifarious ,transitional: in the spectrum from truth to sophistry, honesty is forgotten in the upper stretches of the commercial field, or investment art. I long to return to base. Sometimes I  do encounter a work of art that is unsullied by the untruths of money and prestige , and my heart recognises it joyfully. I feel the allure of the veldt, sirensong echoing softly across the halls of art.


Mountain LoveMore often at  art festivals and exhibitions I have felt that beast of nature, broiling underneath, rumbling and erupting in domestic squabbles and petty jealousy: artists with fear of failures and of  being left out; mega rich folks who fight over who should pay the bill;  couples who  spit hard words at each other and others who are ignored. I am sure tears fall somewhere. Opinions  about social relevance and didactic effect are cast about for people to hear,masterfully drowning out other quieter ones; titular boxes are  pronounced and super ego  judgments levied.

Not all is lost. Sometimes  real events occur  Some from the higher echelons  have proclaimed their religion amongst the startled awakened . There have been reunions and break ups; copious cups of wine and coffee, hangover breakfasts and snacks shared; divas have commandeered audiences ; genial artists conjured  up fantastical costumes from fresh foliage ,to adorn shaking bodies ready to fall like leaves in a storm.  Goodness and enthusiasm  radiate from a few as if they are first timers at this festival game, immune to cynicism and “feesvoosheid.”

Such is life and growth in art and plants.


Paintings by Janet Dixon, except second one on this page “Mountain Love” by Ina Marx and detail taken fron Francois Tiran’s “Lily and Rose.”

Image on front page- “Uprooted” oil on canvas

First image on first page “Ferocious” Oil on Canvas.

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